Sunday, October 6, 2013


Guys!  We made it to our hotel in Venice!  I fear that every sentence I write from now until we return will be punctuated with exclamation points!  The vaporetto ride was amazing and we found our hotel sort of by accident but we are here!  Tonight we are going to eat and eat some more and take a long vap ride around the city and make sure we know what's up for the morning.  More later with pics, I promise!  OH MY GOSH THIS CITY IS INSANELY AMAZING.  I was unprepared for the grandeaur of this beautiful city. Guys.  We just heard a church bell.  Okay, these two pics are the view from our freaking room people!  Mom is ready to go and I'm still updating all you wonderful people so thank me for the pics and we are off to eat!   Lots of highlights about our flight are forthcoming.  Wow. That was an adventure.  In so many ways.  Be intrigued, because intrigue happened.